ATO data-matching: “lifestyle” assets and your business
The ATO has announced or extended a number of data-matching programs recently, including the lifestyle asset data-matching program. Data will be …
The ATO has announced or extended a number of data-matching programs recently, including the lifestyle asset data-matching program. Data will be …
Now is a great time to make sure your business is ready to meet upcoming business activity statement (BAS) due dates. The BAS applies if you run a …
If you own a holiday home you might rent it out at times when you’re not using it yourself. Remember, you should seek professional advice if you have …
As one of Toowoomba’s leading accounting firms, Horizon Accounting has built its reputation on lasting client relationships. Now powered by MYOB …
From 1 July 2024, the rules for accessing superannuation became somewhat simplified: the preservation age when you can begin to access your benefits …
In welcome news for first home buyers, the government has made changes to the operation of the First Home Super Saver Scheme (FHSSS) to improve its …
As part of the 2023–2024 Federal Budget, the government proposed a “payday super” reform. A newly released government fact sheet sets out some key …
Once the end of financial year workload abates and payroll staff have time to have a closer look at what occurred in the previous income year, it’s …
Many retirees find themselves cash-poor but asset-rich. For those living on larger properties, subdividing and selling unused land can be a potential …
Homeowners can share their homes in a range of ways – you might have an agreement to rent out a room, offer short stays through a platform like …
You may have heard that the annual cap on non-concessional contributions (NCCs) has increased for 2024–2025. This is great news for superannuation …
As the end-of-year season approaches, it’s a great time to celebrate with your employees and show appreciation for their hard work throughout …
The ATO has recently confirmed that collection of business debts – including debts relating to superannuation guarantee (SG), pay as you go (PAYG) …
With the latest statistics showing a significant rise in liquidations and with the ATO’s focused efforts on debt collection, small businesses face …
Does your business or investment structure make payments such as interest, dividends or royalties to any foreign residents? You may be required to …
Claiming the tax-free threshold: getting it right If you’re an Australian resident for tax purposes, you don’t have to pay income tax on the first …
If you manage a self managed superannuation fund (SMSF), recent changes to tax rules for certain fund expenses could affect you. These changes may …
The new financial year has begun, and with it have come some important changes to superannuation from 1 July 2024. With these changes coming into …
You may have heard that the annual cap on non-concessional contributions (NCCs) has increased for 2024–2025. This is great news for superannuation …
Beware of “cold callers” offering to switch your super Following an extensive review, ASIC has uncovered a worrying trend where cold callers, after …
The digital currency landscape continues to be treacherous terrain for self managed superannuation fund (SMSF) trustees, with a growing number of …
Hot on the heels of reports that a growing number of self managed super funds (SMSFs) are sustaining significant losses in crypto asset investments, …
In recent years, the financial landscape in Australia has been significantly transformed by the advent of buy now, pay later (BNPL) services. These …
If your business owns or leases a vehicle that’s used for business purposes, it’s essential to keep proper records to ensure you’re entitled to the …
The annual super performance test was introduced in 2021, by the previous Coalition government, as a way to hold registrable superannuation entity …
The Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) has issued a scam alert warning consumers that there has been an increase in the use of …
Have you made charitable gifts or donations in the past financial year? The good news is these items are often deductible, giving many Australians a …
Tax time 2024 sees the ATO continuing to turn the spotlight on rental property owners and inflated claims to offset increases in rental income. ATO …
Claiming work-related expenses is an area where taxpayers frequently make mistakes, and the ATO has flagged it a primary area of focus for tax time …
Despite preventative approaches by the ATO and the National Anti-Scam Centre (NASC) to take down fraudulent websites and block scam text messages, ATO …